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Clothing for Yorkies - yorkshire terrier clothes - Guide to Buying a Yorkie!

Clothing for Yorkies - yorkshire terrier clothes. Guide to buying a Yorkie
Welcome to Designer Yorkie Dog Clothes at KoolDawgTees. Offering Yorkie Dog Clothes Since 2004!
Most of the dog clothes and accessory categories in the left navigation Bar offer clothes to fit Yorkies and Teacup sizes!
Please see the informative article below providing tips on buying a Yorkie Puppy Dog.
Fun Yorkie Dog petwear by Kool Dawg Tees.
We offer the most popular Yorkie Dog Clothes, Dog T- Shirts and Dog
Outerwear and accessories!
Kool Dawg presents the top Yorkie dog clothes product lines of unique
designer small dog clothing and Pet Wear for all dog breeds.
Kool Dawg pet products are tested on our own dogs for
durability. All products are guaranteed, reasonably priced,
fashionable and practical pet apparel and accessories.
Our Guide to Buying a Yorkie
Yorkshire Terriers, Yorkies for short, are a joy to have around and make great and well-loved family pets for many homes. For these
reasons, the popularity of the breed has seen phenomenal growth over the past few years. Currently, the Yorkshire Terrier is the breed to
have and buy for many families looking for the perfect canine companion. But before you get caught up in the rush to buy one of these
adorable puppies, there are a few things to consider to ensure that you buy the best puppy that you can possibly find.
Generally, the Yorkshire Terrier Dog is a lively and hardy breed of dog, but just as with all dog purebreds, they can be prone to developing certain health
and behavioral conditions which can make them hard to deal with and expensive to care for. By doing a little research and taking a few
precautionary assessments before deciding which puppy dog to buy, you can greatly reduce your chances of purchasing a puppy dog that will
cause you a lot of heartache down the road.
The most important thing to consider when buying a puppy dog is the dog breeder. Before even looking at dog puppies you should have a good
knowledge of the breeder and several referrals indicating that he or she is a top of the line breeder with the best interests of the Yorkie dog
breed at heart. If you have any qualms about a dog breeder, do not buy a puppy or dog from him or her, regardless of how cute or healthy a puppy dog
appears to be.
Here's why: A good dog breeder is conscious of the inherent characteristics that are common in the Yorkshire Terrier dog breed. A competent
dog breeder will not breed all of their dogs just because they are registered and pedigreed; they will select only the best Yorkies for dog breeding
to minimize undesirable traits, both health related and behavioral related, and to maximize desirable traits. Certain congenital birth
defects are also a result of careless dog breeding. So, choosing a competent dog breeder increases your chances of having a healthy and happy
Yorkie dog.
A good dog breeder also invests in the proper care for all of their new puppies. Yorkie dog puppies are extremely fragile when born and do not
really become self sufficient or able to be separated from their dam until they are 3 months of age or older. Before this time they are very
susceptible to health conditions such as hypoglycemia and allergies to vaccinations. For these reasons, it is important to never buy a
Yorkshire Terrier puppy dog younger than this age or before it has had at least two of the three required rounds of vaccinations. Any dog breeder
who wants to bypass the waiting period and sell their puppies earlier than 3 months does not have the health of the puppy in mind and
would likely not be the best breeder to deal with.
Another must have when dealing with a breeder is a sales contract and a guarantee. If a breeder is not prepared to guarantee their
puppies' health in writing, then you may end up with an expensive puppy that only lives a few short months. A good guarantee will replace
your puppy dog or refund your money for any congenital defects found within the first year.
Also have a thorough knowledge of the AKC standard for the Yorkshire Terrier,(Yorkies), breed before going to look at Yorkie puppies. By following the AKC
standard, you will have a good idea what to look for in certain puppies. Considering that most reputable breeders only have a limited
number of puppies available, and then they are available only occasionally, it may take a lot of puppy shopping before you actually find a
puppy that meets all of the standards. If you are planning to show or breed your dog, your wait may be even longer. So, be prepared to not
find your Yorkie dog on the first go round, actually expect it. Then you won't be disappointed.
Do not be fooled by breeders trying to push "miniature" Yorkies dog. There is no such thing as a "miniature" Yorkie dog, just Yorkies dogs that are
smaller than other an other Yorkie dog. In most cases, very small Yorkie dog puppies passed off as "miniature" are actually the runt of the litter and prone to
health problems such as thyroid disease.
Remember to keep all of these pointers in mind when looking for your new Yorkie dog. By doing so, you will ensure that your new puppy dog is a
happy and healthy addition to your family.