KoolDawgTees is an on-line service offering Custom Printed Stuffed Animal Mascots, Dog Clothing Pet Apparel, Fleece Dog Coats, Accessories and more!
PetSafe / Premier Pet Gentle Leader Head Collar
Product Description / See Size Chart Below

Over 5 million dog owners have found the secret to stress-free walks!
Features two soft nylon straps -
collar portion fits high at the top of the neck, and the nose loop fits loosely and comfortably
across the base of the muzzle. Each strap has a distinct and important effect.
Available in sizes:
Petite Under 5 pounds, Small 5-25 pounds, Medium 25-60 pounds, Large 60-130 pounds & Extra Large Over 130 pounds
Quantities Limited!
Product Description
Gentle Leader® Headcollar
Millions of dog owners today enjoy the benefits of stress-free walks thanks to the Gentle Leader Headcollar. Designed so that owners can communicate with their pet in a way they instinctively understand, the Gentle Leader painlessly and effectively removes the dog’s natural tendency to pull by placing gentle pressure on calming points and eliminating uncomfortable pressure on the throat. In addition to reducing a dog’s desire to pull away, the Gentle Leader is also a very effective tool in combating lunging, jumping, excessive barking and helping to calm an aggressive and/or anxious animal.
The Gentle Leader's® dog collar nose loop encircles your dog's muzzle in this same
manner, letting him know in his own language that you are his leader. Dogs feel more secure
when they know who the leader is.
The Neck Strap - Have you noticed how puppies seem to melt in relaxation when their mother
picks them up at the back of the neck? Gentle Leader® dog collar applies pressure to the back
of the neck rather than the front of the throat, working with your dog's natural relaxation instinct
with an amazing calming effect. Also, dogs tend to pull against pressure so the gentle pressure
at the back of the neck causes the dog to pull backward, not forward. This means an end to
leash pulling forever!
Teaches "Sit" - The Gentle Leader Headcollar dog collar quickly encourages controlled sitting
- raise your dog's nose skyward and he lowers his hindquarters - no pushing or shoving.